Monday, September 5, 2011

Non-understandable: Ghosts and such

Have you ever seen a ghost?  Caught one on video?  Captured a photo of one?  Have you ever asked yourself, "What is a ghost?  Are they real?"

There has been many a time when I would ask myself these questions and look it up on the Internet.  However, none of the sites seem to have a clean answer.  They would talk about those old haunted houses and abandoned hospitals.  But none of them really say whether or not a ghost is real.

Many of you probably know about Bloody Mary.  No, not the cocktail, I mean the one where you look at a mirror in a dark room lit with one candle and say "Bloody Mary" three times.  If you go to YouTube and type Bloody Mary, you would find that many people have attempted it.  However, none of them are clear whether Bloody Mary is real or not.  It is said when she appears, you either die or get pulled into the mirror.  Either way, you're never seeing your family and friends again.

Think about those ghost stories that you and your friends might talk about on Halloween night.  Most of them portray a ghost that haunts you until you go crazy and can't stop shivering.  Are all ghosts mean?  A such thing as good ghosts could probably be the spiritual guides of our ancestors.  Think about it.  Ghosts are these transparent human or animal spirits.  They can't always be mean, right?

Now let's think if ghosts are real.  I won't believe a ghost until I come face to face with one.  However, it is fun to surf the Internet for pictures or YouTube videos of ghosts that people have captured.  Watching it, I always wonder if it is true or fake.  Some of them seem pretty fake while others seem like they could be real.

When a we humans come in contact with something that we can't explain, we either scream, "Monster!" or "Ghost!".  However, are we right?  It could have been a bear, it or it could have been the light playing on the fog.  We love to name things.  We can't have something that does not have a name.  Everything in this world has a name.  From "Universe" to "Molecule" everything has a name.  So, when we see something without a name, we want to name it to understand it.  That leads us to "Ghosts" and "Monsters"; a categoery of unexplainable things.

Don't you think, however, that some things are just not meant to be understanded?  Something even like God or Angels.  Something so unimaginable that we can't understand.  We try so hard with our little brains to try to understand the non-understandable.  Let's just sit back and relax and stop worrying about trying to understand what is impossible to understand.  Unless we see it clearly and can tell what it is then we shouldn't worry about it.

If we see a unicorn in broad daylight clearly right before our very eyes, then, yes, we can conclude and name it "Unicorn".  Or if we see a ghost right before our eyes and have concluded that it is NOT the light playing on the fog right there and then, then, yes, we can probably say it is a "Ghost".  But until then, we should leave the non-understandable as the non-understandable and sit back and relax.

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