Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Answers to "65 Deep Philosophical Questions" Part One

65 Deep Philosophical Questions link

Click the link above to see where I got 'em from.

I have a daunting feeling there's gonna be a few parts to this topic...

Let's start with the first five questions.

1. Is it worse to fail at something or never attempt it in the first place?

Answer: It is worse to never attempt it in the first place. Oh, how many times I was glad I did something and experienced it even if I epically failed. There are so many things that I have not attempted because I was afraid of failing and making a fool of myself. But hey, we only live once. Why not enjoy life while we have it? Why not have these great stories to tell our kids and grandkids?

2. If you could choose just one thing to change about the world, what would it be?

Answer: Hmmm...maybe misunderstanding. Maybe, maybe if we misunderstood each other less, there would be less wars.

3. To what extent do you shape your own destiny, and how much is down to fate?

Answer: Well, I suppose whatever choices we make will shape our own destiny. Fate is like this:
Oh I will buy this new shirt. It is on sale and I needed another color of this same kind...but wait! What's that over there? A new-brand shirt on sale??? Hmm, it's not what I usually wear but why not? And now some famous magazine company is asking me to pose for them? Wow, talk about fate!
...I know, this rarely happens to people but, you get what I'm saying right? To some point, we choose and shape our own destiny. And then if something unexpected comes and it goes 100% well for us, it is fate. Fate could also be a bad thing. No matter what choices we make in a certain category, we always seem to end up with the bad result. That's fate. So choose wisely, peeps.

4. Does nature shape our personalities more than nurture?

Answer: I've had a discussion with someone about this once and they said that it was both. I agree. Even though I was super annoyed at that person, they made a very good point that I could not argue against because it made so much perfect sense :/  Darn it :/

5. Should people care more about doing the right thing, or doing things right?

Answer: I should say if you're doing the right thing, you're probably doing it right...wait... Doing the right thing...like, saving someone from drowning? Doing things right...like a criminal succeeding in robbing a bank? Maybe doing the right thing is better. But then again, it depends on the context. Though, in a bad context like stealing or killing or other bad things, you DO NOT want to do it right, er, rather, I don't want you to do it right. FAIL! FAIL! Do not succeed in doing bad things. PERIOD!

So we did five questions. Not too bad so far. I don't know what's so deep about these...do you?

6. What one piece of advice would you offer to a newborn infant?

Answer: This is an interesting question. Probably, live a life you won't regret.

7. Where is the line between insanity and creativity?

Answer: This seems to be a popular (?) question. I'm saying this because I didn't understand the question and had to use Google to look it up. Results: I still don't understand it :/ Being creative and being insane are two completely different things. I don't know why some people think there is a fine line between them.

8. What is true happiness?

Answer: "True" happiness makes it sound like there is this humongo-large happiness that we are supposed to feel. You know, like enlightenment or something of that sort. Some kind of gold at the end of some kind of rainbow. But in truth, happiness happens with small itty-bitty experiences that we have everyday. Waking up after a good dream, sitting in the sun with your cat, eating your favorite food, singing your favorite song, watching your favorite YouTube channel, seeing your friends...the list goes on and on. Of course we feel happy when we fall in love, see our child for the first time, see the smiles of children in developing economies who are just as happy to post in front of the camera... There are lots of different kinds of happiness. It is a warm feeling that does not have to last for a really long time. It can be just a short few minutes of your life. But all happiness is "true" happiness.

9. What things hold you back from doing the things that you really want to?

Answer: Fear of rejection, fear of making a fool of myself, fear of what other people might think, fear that I can't actually do it, fear, fear, fear, FEAR! Also, possibly the fact that I don't believe in myself enough to know that I am actually capable of doing it. I think a lot of people can relate to this.

10. What makes you, you?

Answer: What makes me, me? Well, whatever I like or dislike, the way I say things, the way I think things, the way I live my life, the way I dress, the things I eat, the kind of family and/or family situations that I have grown up with, what kinds of friends I have, what were my pets and what are my pets, whatever I am good at or not good at...all these factors are what make me, me.

Okay. 10 questions done. Not so bad except for Question 7...Let's continue, shall we?

11. What is the truth?

Answer: Ooookay, now this is philosophical. The truth is that feeling that you are free of everything. When you lie, it sticks with you and hangs on you and feels heavy and you try to push it away but it accumulates on your shoulder silently. The truth, on the other hand, leaves your mouth like a soft feather, a diamond, a rush of relief. You know you are telling the truth because it feels good to tell it. Sometimes it might be hard to say it. Sometimes you might want to take the easy street and lie. But you know that lying is that awful feeling that will bug you every step of your life. Unless, of course, it is a necessary lie.
in that sense, there is a fine line between truth and lie.

12. What is reality?

Answer: Reality is something that you believe in. I believe I am here, typing on my PC and writing up my blog. I believe that I am hungry. I believe that my Mom just left the house to pick up my Dad at the station. I believe that it is night and not day. I believe that my desk is a mess but I know where everything is. I believe that I write stories and make cover for people. I believe that it snowed a day ago and now it is frozen on the streets.
Now that,
is reality.
So is reality real? You figure it out.

13. Do you make your own decisions, or let others make them for you?

Answer: Usually I would prefer to make my own decisions but I would ask for advice from someone if I am stuck.

Why are these "Deep Philosophical Questions" suddenly very personal? *throws arms up in air*

14. What makes a good friend?

Answer: This all depends on our previous experiences with "friends". For me, I think a good friend is someone who remembers your birthday and at least wishes you a happy birthday. A good friend sticks by your side no matter what happens. A good friend will never leave you in a bad place. A good friend is someone you can talk to about almost anything and get honest opinions in a nice truthful way. A good friend is someone you can show your tears to.

15. Why do people fear losing things that they do not even have yet?

Answer: Because they have already envisioned themselves with that thing and that vision is so strong it brings out an emotion of attachment and then when they actually need to get it, they are afraid of losing it so they might be reluctant now to get it because now they want it too badly. This can be good but it can also backfire and actually prevent them from getting that thing.

Okay, I'm gonna answer five more questions and then call it quits for this post.

16. Who defines good and evil?

Answer: Some people will want me to say that the bible of God does. So there, I said it. But I think that cultural norms define good and evil. Wait, not good and bad? Evil???? Evil is a really strong word. What is evil in this world? War lords? People who have no feelings when they kill other people? Before we answer this question, we need to know what da heck evil is. So, maybe I'll talk about this question as its own post...moving on! :D

17. What is the difference between living and being alive?

Answer: Oh, oh! I know this one! *enthusiastically puts hand up* So, being alive is nothing. You are doing nothing. You are just existing and not being a part of the world. Maybe you are a recluse. You are eating, sleeping, doing number one and two (sorry so graphic and gross) and doing it everyday.

Living is going out there into the world, making friends, having a conversation, going to school, singing, dancing, playing an instrument, walking your dog, sitting at the park and contemplating your dream jobs, writing a book, fulfilling something, swimming in the lake, hiking, being active physically and mentally.

You can be alive in your room, go ahead! But you're missing out on being alive and living. The best life is to do both. In my opinion, anyway :)

18. Is a “wrong” act okay if nobody ever knows about it?

Answer: It is not okay. But if no one finds out, heck yeah :D
Except, don't do anything that will hurt physically or mentally. You will regret.
(This answer is only partially serious so ignore it.)

19. Who decides what morality is?

Answer: Cultural norms and ideologies.

20. How do you know that your experience of consciousness is the same as other people’s experience of consciousness?

Answer: What do you mean "how"? I did not know it was the same! Sheesh! :0
And what the heck do you mean "experience" of consciousness? What, like, we experience consciousness now? That crazy stuff there, ya fool! (Courage the Cowardly Dog: Di Lung reference.)

Okay, so I suppose I started to get a little philosophically tired at the end...haha :P
Anyway, hope you enjoyed that and maybe you have your own ideas? Tell 'em to me! Go ahead, I dare you ;)

So I guess I will be making a part 2 of this after all...yeah...65 is a LOT of thinking. I once did a three part where I answered 100 random questions so I knew this was gonna be long.

Well, see ya later, alligators! :D

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